3 September, 2024
ANGELINA JOLIE - A Triumphant Return!
30 August, 2024
Saturn is known as the lord of karma, and no planet rewards or punishes as precisely as Saturn. It brings both good and bad outcomes, depending entirely on our behavior and attitude toward life. Saturn teaches us humility, and this is a crucial step on the path to spiritual development and finding true happiness.
It’s important to understand that humility doesn't mean a lack of effort—on the contrary, Saturn respects hard work, discipline, and perseverance. However, it also demands that we learn to practice modesty and tolerance along the way.
When Saturn is placed in a specific house in your birth chart, it brings limitations to that area of life, especially if we fail to cultivate humility. Without this, Saturn won’t allow you to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
If you’re unsure where Saturn is in your birth chart, don’t worry! You can quickly calculate it in under a minute—just check this post for a step-by-step guide.
Now, Let’s explore how Saturn affects each house and how to work with its energy.
Just a few days ago, the film "Maria" premiered at the Venice Film Festival, where Angelina takes on the lead role of opera singer Maria Callas.
After the screening, the audience applauded her for 8 minutes straight, leaving the actress touched and even shedding a tear.
It seems the ovation was well-deserved, as Jolie spent 7 months taking professional opera singing lessons to fully immerse herself in the role.
Rumor has it this could be an Oscar contender! But what does astrology say about it?
The learning process in our lives and charts is governed by Mercury. This planet is responsible for how we assimilate and digest information, revealing the specifics of our thought processes. Understanding these characteristics can help us, and especially our children, enhance the learning process.
Check your child's chart for Mercury's zodiac sign and find tips for each placement:
Curious to learn more about your child's potential?
Book a personalized astrology reading to uncover their unique strengths, talents, and challenges, and help guide them toward a bright future.
On August 24th, Durov was detained at a French airport when his private jet landed for refueling.
This is how karma works in mysterious ways. The billionaire has long known that various intelligence agencies were after him and that even the slightest mistake could have serious consequences. That's why he carefully avoided visiting certain countries. But you can't outrun fate.
The issue lies with the app he created, Telegram, which is the most secure messaging app in the world. Pavel wanted to give people freedom from surveillance, and he succeeded. However, criminals have also taken advantage of this freedom.
He is now facing charges of aiding and abetting criminal activities organized through his platform, which is, of course, an interesting topic in itself.
Take, for example, a knife. It’s a tool. In the hands of a surgeon, it saves lives; in the hands of a criminal, it takes them. Yet, a knife is present in every home, and anyone can buy one. How it’s used is a matter of conscience and personal principles. Punishment is given for actions, not for owning the tool. After all, those who sell knives aren't prosecuted as accomplices.
Nevertheless, Durov’s unconventional and innovative vision greatly frustrates intelligence agencies. They can’t access the information they want, and the creator refuses to make any deals, firmly standing by his principles.
So, are you ready to take a look at the genius's chart?
Simone Biles is one of the most decorated gymnasts of our time. Looking at her smiling face, it's hard to imagine that her life started off far from easy.
Unfortunately, Simone's biological parents were unable to take care of her and her three siblings. As a result, she had to learn early on what it means to live in foster care.
Looking at her chart, a lonely Moon in the house of the parental family under a very close aspect of a strong Saturn stands out. The Moon also governs childhood, the mother, and as the ruler of the 4th house in her chart, it influences inner happiness. Meanwhile, the Sun, which represents the father, is in the 12th house along with three malefic planets.
However, there are positive aspects as well. The Moon is in its sign of exaltation, and the ruler of the father's house—Jupiter—feels quite strong in the 10th house. Thus, the negative influence was compensated.
When her grandparents learned about the dire situation with their grandchildren, they initially offered help and eventually officially adopted Simone when she was 6 years old.
What did I not mention?
What do you think, which planet's period are we talking about?
Great success came to Novak Djokovic during the period of the planet Ketu.
Didn't expect that?
It seems we only talked about Ketu being related to karmic lessons, personal transformation, and the search for spirituality, but..
A well-placed Ketu in a chart with a strong overall potential can yield extraordinary results, often even unimaginable. It's pure mysticism!
However, Ketu has its own character. Ketu rules Scorpio, and Scorpios have poison in their tails. This fact will help us understand the events further.
What are Rahu and Ketu astronomically?
In fact, these planets do not have physical bodies; they are merely points of intersection between the Moon's orbit and the Sun's ecliptic*.
*The ecliptic is the apparent path of the Sun across the sky over a year.
They are also known as the North Node (Rahu) and the South Node (Ketu).
Rahu and Ketu are the key to understanding the soul's connection to its past incarnations. The influence of these planets is very strong and full of spiritual meaning.
Time to flex our astrological muscles!
Remember, we talked about the Olsen sisters and why events in their lives unfolded with some differences?
Now, I'll explain how such things happen even with the same astrological chart!
So, who guessed it?
The uniqueness of life paths can be seen in divisional charts! And yes, there’s a separate chart for each sphere of life! ✨
So, the legendary Amy Winehouse, known for her unique sound and authentic image.
A person whose strong planet SUN brought both worldwide fame and tragedy. How is this possible?
Let's delve into it!
The Sun is in Leo (September 14, the last degrees of Leo), which means it is in its own sign, making it very strong.
This strong Sun from the 4th house aspects the house of career. And guess in which period Amy's breakthrough happened?
Donald Trump’s chart is a great example of how a strong and well-placed SUN brings excellent results.
But we can't analyze just the Sun because the outcome is always a combination of factors. So we won't take things out of context and will explore the chart in some detail.
If you thought that he became president during the Sun's period, unfortunately, you are mistaken. Though such an idea seems to be logical. Nevertheless, astrology is a complex science, which is why the research is always so fascinating ✨
So what do we see?
A Rising Leo already gives a person a great desire to shine, to be number one, in the spotlight.
The Lagnesh Sun (the ruler of the 1st house) is in a strong position in the house of career and receives support from benefic planets. There is no doubt that such a person will hold leadership positions. There is the desire, the drive, the strength, and the qualities for success.
By the way, the Sun is in Taurus (note - on June 14, 1946, it was still in Taurus), and such people have a knack for business. But why did his most successful field become real estate
The most famous Hollywood twins, and also the richest! How did it happen?
Very often, when talking about the beginning of their careers, luck is mentioned. Like, their mom showed photos to an agent, he liked the girls, and everything fell into place. And if we look at the chart, that's exactly how it was.
Just a couple of months after their birth comes the period of Venus, which is beautifully positioned in the house of luck. The girls were approved for roles in the sitcom "Full House" when they were 6 months old, and filming started at 9 months.
The catch was that there were exactly two girls. By law, young children cannot work more than 20 minutes at a time, which made filming very difficult and prolonged. But with twins, they could shoot for 40 minutes. By the way, for a long time, they hid the fact that there were two actresses and in the credits wrote Mary-Kate Ashley Olsen.
This same Venus also gives creative abilities, forms Raja yoga and activates combinations of wealth. During the Venus-Venus sub-period (1986-1990), the Olsen sisters have already won awards twice for their work, and of course, they are getting richer.
Pay attention that the ruler of the house of siblings, Saturn, is in mutual aspect with the ruler of the career house, the Sun - such a close connection shows that the chart owner will work with their sibling.
Oh, how much a chart's positions can reveal about a person. And often, everything is so simple and clear.
So, both planets - Venus and Mars - are responsible for sexuality.
Guess what happens when they conjunct or mutually aspect each other?
Correct, the level of sexuality significantly increases. One could say that such a person will have a high libido and generally many sexual desires.
Let's explore two scenarios: relationships between two people with high libido and relationships between people with different levels of libido.
Time to teach you how to calculate your astro chart and where to look to see something interesting ✨
Let’s explore two options:
1. You DO NOT know your birth time
2. You know your birth time
Everyone knows their date and place of birth, right? 😅
So, go to the website https://vedic-horo.com and fill in the fields at the top, then click ‘calculate’.
To answer these questions, let's analyze Macaulay Culkin's horoscope! ✨
But first, an educational moment. It's important to know that there are static promises in a horoscope and there are dynamic ones.
What does this mean? I think you can guess - those very periods.
Sometimes planets are beautifully positioned in a chart, but the periods of these planets occur either in very early childhood or in old age. Or they may even happen after death (a full cycle is 120 years, which also hints at how long people can theoretically live). Thus, a person does not fully receive the benefits due to them.
For example, you can't have a good husband at 5 years old, or achieve an incredible career at 80, simply because there isn't enough strength for realization.
The good news is that this also applies to bad planets. You can have very unpleasant positions in your chart, but if the period does not occur during your lifetime, there is no need to worry about it.
However, you have already guessed that today we are talking about the case when life resembles a roller coaster, with all its flavors!
Yesterday, I watched Garfield, and my impressions were mixed. It's strange to me that there's so much cruelty in a children's cartoon.
However, what intrigued me even more was the creator—Jim Davis.
Just think about it, this man created only 3 characters and now, thanks to them alone, he has a fortune of 800 million dollars. Of course, I'm exaggerating a bit, but that's essentially the case.
How did that happen?
And why do some people work hard for years while others find a "goldmine" in an instant and ride that single success for life, without it ever faltering?
So, meet Jim Davis. Until the age of 33, he was not particularly remarkable.
He was born and raised on a farm. In high school, he was the editor of the school art newspaper where also published his first comics. He studied art and business at university.
In general, he had the makings of a creative artist-writer.
After graduating from university, Jim got a job at an advertising agency. He first assisted in creating comics for newspapers and later, at the age of 28-30, drew his own project, which did not achieve much success.
Then, he got the idea to draw a lazy, sarcastic cat, which by 1978 took shape as a full-fledged project and became his huge breakthrough!
Of course, all the secrets lie in the chart! How could it be otherwise?