January 4 – Mercury enters Sagittarius

This is a fantastic time for acquiring knowledge, especially in philosophical and spiritual fields. It’s the perfect moment not only to reflect on how you live but also to gain a deeper understanding of the world’s structure and your place in it. Channel Mercury’s curious energy in the right direction, and this month may bring growth and depth.


However, remember to consider different perspectives; otherwise, you might fixate on something specific and exhaust those around you with your beliefs. Focus on expanding your worldview and share your insights only when asked—unsolicited advice is rarely welcome.

January 13 – Full Moon in Gemini

The full moon is not an auspicious day, so avoid planning anything important. The lunar energy will be intense, and since it governs the mind, there’s a risk of overexertion. Be mindful of the information you consume, limiting the flow from social media and conversations. Instead, attend a yoga session, chant kirtan, dance, or meditate on the Moon at home.


A wonderful practice is chanting the mantra for the Moon:

Om Chandraya Namaha


January 14 – Sun enters Capricorn

This is often a contentious topic due to different astrological systems, but I prefer to rely on astronomical data reflecting the planets’ actual positions.


Capricorn brings us focus, determination, and resilience. It’s the perfect time to thoroughly plan for the year ahead, especially financially. You’ll feel an energy boost to begin implementing your plans.


This is also a good time to strengthen bonds, particularly within your family. In general, it’s a moment to get serious about life. Work on cultivating qualities like responsibility, discipline, and care for others.


January 21 – Retrograde Mars returns to Gemini

Mars feels a bit more at ease in Gemini, even in retrograde motion. The energy becomes livelier, sparking a desire for action, excitement, and ease. By the end of January, you’ll feel a wave of energy—make sure to use it wisely. Return to your projects with renewed effort.


Retrograde energy will still bring lessons, possibly resurfacing unresolved conflicts or relationship issues. Approach them with wisdom and patience, express gratitude, and let them go. Reflect on the lessons to ensure better outcomes in the future.


January 24 – Mercury enters Capricorn

This is when the real action begins. Mercury and Saturn are good friends, so focus sharpens, and with the right approach, you can make significant progress. Take advantage of this cosmic gift by scheduling important tasks during this period. Things will flow smoothly, fueled by your heightened energy and determination.


However, overemphasis on career can make communication overly serious or rigid. Stay mindful and approach others with kindness and openness—it may require some effort but will be worth it.


January 28 – Venus enters Pisces

This is a wonderful position for Venus, as Pisces is its sign of exaltation. However, in this case, it will conjoin Rahu. I’ve discussed this in my “6 Key Events of 2025 You Need to Know,” but the main idea is clear: irresistible romantic temptations may arise. It’s essential to stay grounded and avoid making impulsive decisions in relationships that you might regret later.


Instead, channel this energy into creativity. This period offers fertile ground for artistic endeavors. Cultivate blissful energy, and this time will bring incredible results and a sense of true love. Let go of illusions and dive deep into your heart.


January 29 – New Moon in Capricorn

I always repeat this, yet it seems to surprise people every time: the new moon is a highly inauspicious day. The Moon provides no support, so avoid starting or planning anything important.


This day is ideal for cleansing—your space, body, and mind. Spend it tidying up your home, walking in nature, or meditating.


I’ve got an excellent YouTube video explaining lunar cycles and more—check it out and use it for your benefit!