Let’s dive into what to prepare for in the upcoming year. Spoiler: it’s going to be fascinating. Spring will be especially intense, so get your popcorn and spiritual practices ready.


You probably already know that planets move at different speeds. The fastest ones—Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Sun—change signs roughly every month, while the Moon shifts signs every 2.5 days.


But the karmic planets move much slower, giving us time to deeply immerse ourselves in their lessons and gain wisdom in the areas they touch. I’m talking about Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, and Ketu.


This spring, all four of these planets will change signs. This will undoubtedly bring shifts and turbulence into the world. However, there’s no need to fear. Change always serves us, helping us grow, evolve, and deepen spiritually

✨ Jupiter moves to Gemini 

14.05 - 18.10

5.12 - 1.06.26


This shift blends the energies of finance and technology, knowledge and curiosity. Jupiter brings expansion, so we can expect:

•    Increased technological innovation in education and a stronger move toward digitalization.

•    A heightened desire to learn, discover new things, and share knowledge, potentially sparking a boom in education.

•    Changes in financial technology, with a greater shift to digital currencies.

•    Likely growth and expansion in cryptocurrency.

•    Accelerated development in AI, turning it into an even more lucrative field.


What to watch for during this time:

•    The urge to absorb too much information could lead to burnout and a lack of solid knowledge. It’s better to study topics sequentially and with focus.

•    A strong desire for easy money may arise—stay vigilant and don’t fall for illusions.


✨ Saturn Conjunct Rahu: Shrapit Yoga

29.03 - 29.05


The conjunction of these two challenging planets undoubtedly brings tension, both internally and globally.


Saturn represents discipline, while Rahu symbolizes chaos. Saturn limits, and Rahu expands. This dynamic will play out on both a personal and global scale.


How this transit might manifest:

•    Intense desires focused solely on personal gain, possibly leading to questionable methods to achieve goals.

•    Feelings of despair and depression due to challenges.


How to navigate this period with wisdom:

•    Remember that we’re here to serve the world and those around us.

•    Reflect on your desires and actions—do they bring benefit or harm? Keep in mind that Rahu creates illusions, and justifying harm for a “noble purpose” is a trap.

•    If you feel down, engage in volunteer work—physically help those less fortunate to reconnect with purpose.


✨ A Fortunate Start to the Year



The year begins with an incredibly auspicious day on January 1. 


This New Year’s Day offers the perfect opportunity to set your plans. Do this intentionally, not just for the sake of ticking a box. Take the first steps toward your goals, as the energy of the day will support your efforts and make achieving results much easier.


I’ve decided to launch a 2025 Activation Online Charity Marathon. Over nine days, we’ll align with planetary energies, activating their positive qualities and charging ourselves for the year ahead. Each day, we’ll explore how to avoid a planet’s negative influences while embracing its strengths, supported by practical exercises.


The sessions will only take 15–20 minutes a day, making them easy to fit into your schedule. Lessons will be pre-recorded, so you can join from anywhere and participate at your convenience. Check the details here https://lifeofgypsy.com/self-study/2025-activation


 Saturn moves to Pisces

29.03 - ..


This energy shift will be noticeable, as Saturn has spent the past five years in its own signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. At home, it thrives—but what happens when it’s a guest?


Saturn values structure and discipline, while Pisces is a dreamy, emotional sign guided by intuition.


For logical thinkers:

This period will demand flexibility and adaptability. Your usual order will be disrupted by Pisces’ creative energies. It’s not about aimlessly “going with the flow.” You’ll still set goals but allow room for alternative ways of achieving them. Managing emotions when things don’t go as planned will be key—view setbacks as opportunities for growth.


For intuitive types:

You may adopt more materialistic goals and ideas, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. This period could bring greater determination, helping you achieve long-desired results.


✨ Venus Conjunct Rahu in Pisces

28.01 - 31.05


Though we’re not focusing on faster planets, this event is noteworthy. Venus is exalted in Pisces, and thanks to its retrograde motion, it will stay there for four months.


While Venus in Pisces is usually beautiful, Rahu adds complications, inflating temptations and creating illusions.


Key considerations:

•    Starting a relationship during this period is not advisable, as it’s unlikely to last. Any romance will likely be intense but short-lived, possibly even toxic. Use this time to reflect on what truly matters to you in a partner and relationship.

•    If you’re already in a relationship, temptations may arise. Stay mindful—Rahu is tricky, and mistakes will come with consequences. Instead, channel this energy into deepening your existing bond. Pisces represents unconditional love and genuine connection, so aim for that.


Rahu Moves into Aquarius, Ketu into Leo

29.05 - ..


This fascinating shift will impact both the global stage and personal experiences.


Both Rahu and Aquarius carry the energy of rebellion, innovation, and breaking away from the conventional. Rahu amplifies ambition and desire, but Aquarius’ humanitarian nature will likely steer this energy toward positive causes.


Globally, we may see growth in social, environmental, and charitable projects, alongside significant scientific advancements in areas like pharmaceuticals and ecology. With test flights to Mars planned for 2026 (while Rahu is still in Aquarius), expect another wave of progress.


Ketu in Leo, meanwhile, brings lessons related to ego. It may swing us between the extremes of craving control and shirking responsibility. Self-confidence will also experience highs and lows. This is an excellent time to study the nature of the ego and learn to master it—having an ego is fine, but letting it control you is not.