Our astrological chart can tell us a lot, especially if we know where to look.
If you still don't know how to create your chart and determine the houses in the horoscope, I recommend checking out this post.
Now let's explore together!
You need to assess the 2nd house - the house of wealth, which shows money and prosperity, and what a person's earnings will be.
The presence of benefic planets in the 2nd house indicates that money will accumulate and the person will be wealthy. Malefic planets, on the other hand, indicate that the person will always have to work hard to earn money, and there will be financial instability in life.
Pay attention to the 5th house as well, because it is the house of purva punya - good karma accumulated from past lives, which manifests in luck and prosperity.
Benefic planets in the 5th house indicate a good karmic baggage from past lives, bringing luck and favorable opportunities to the person. Malefic planets in the 5th house indicate sparse accumulations from past lives, so the person will have to work actively in this life.
Next, analyze the 10th house - the house of career, as finances also depend on it. The 10th house indicates the ability to achieve status and respect in society, which always brings material success.
Benefic planets in the 10th house indicate a good reputation and abilities in one's field, while malefic planets promise obstacles, difficulties, and delays on the way.
Also, the 11th house is responsible for money - the house of profits, achievements, easy money, luxury, and abundance.
Benefic planets in the 11th house provide the chart owner with a comfortable life, with money coming not only directly from work. Malefic planets in the 11th house fortunately do not spoil the picture too much. They indicate that everything is possible with effort.
Now we need to remember the 6th house - the house of enemies and debts. When analyzing finances, we should look not only at income but also at expenses.
The presence of planets in the 6th house already indicates that the person may have debts, and malefic planets guarantee this. However, malefic planets in this position will provide the opportunity to deal with debts and defeat enemies (for example, in court), while benefic planets, unfortunately, promise loss.
We cannot overlook the 8th house - the house of bankruptcy, poverty, and inheritance. This factor must also be considered to understand the overall picture.
The presence of malefic planets in the 8th house indicates a difficult fate, financial instability in life, and material problems. Benefic planets, on the other hand, promise a good inheritance.
And of course, we should consider the 12th house, as it is the house of expenses, spending, and financial difficulties.
Benefic planets in the 12th house indicate that the person will have the opportunity to spend money, and the nature of the planet will also suggest what the person will like to spend money on. Malefic planets bring financial instability, and often such people spend more than they earn.
Now you just need to look carefully at your chart and do the math.
Such an exciting knowledge, astrology! Agree?