MODULE 1 - Starting October 13



 🔵 You want to gain a deeper understanding and acceptance of yourself


 🔵 You seek to better understand and connect with loved ones (partners, parents, children, etc.), improve communication, and build harmonious relationships


 🔵 Your work involves communication (e.g., business owners, life coaches, managers, educators, consultants)


 🔵 You’re studying or working in psychology, astrology, or similar fields


 🔵 You’re interested in spiritual growth and development



PART 1: Fundamentals of Vedic Numerology

  1. Introduction to Vedic Numerology
  2. Principles of Vedic Numerology
  3. Correspondence of Numbers and Planets (Celestial Bodies)


PART 2: Calculations in Vedic Numerology

  1. The Soul/Consciousness Number
  2. The Life Path/Karma Number
  3. The Action Number
  4. The Name Number


PART 3: Archetype "One"

  1. General Characteristics of the Number 1
  2. Mythology of the Number 1
  3. Soul Number 1: Key Personality Traits and Behavioral Patterns
  4. Strengths and Weaknesses
  5. Professions
  6. Recommendations
  7. Key to Communication
  8. Karmic Tasks
  9. Relationships of Archetype 1 with Other Archetypes in Key Life Areas (Partnership, Friendship, Romance, Marriage, Business)


PART 4: Archetype "Two"

  1. General Characteristics of the Number 2
  2. Mythology of the Number 2
  3. Soul Number 2: Key Personality Traits and Behavioral Patterns
  4. Strengths and Weaknesses
  5. Professions
  6. Recommendations
  7. Key to Communication
  8. Karmic Tasks
  9. Relationships of Archetype 2 with Other Archetypes in Key Life Areas (Partnership, Friendship, Romance, Marriage, Business)




PART 5: Archetype "Three"

  1. General Characteristics of the Number 3
  2. Mythology of the Number 3
  3. Soul Number 3: Key Personality Traits and Behavioral Patterns
  4. Strengths and Weaknesses
  5. Professions
  6. Recommendations
  7. Key to Communication
  8. Karmic Tasks
  9. Relationships of Archetype 3 with Other Archetypes in Key Life Areas (Partnership, Friendship, Romance, Marriage, Business)


PART 6: Archetype "Four"

  1. General Characteristics of the Number 4
  2. Mythology of the Number 4
  3. Soul Number 4: Key Personality Traits and Behavioral Patterns
  4. Strengths and Weaknesses
  5. Professions
  6. Recommendations
  7. Key to Communication
  8. Karmic Tasks
  9. Relationships of Archetype 4 with Other Archetypes in Key Life Areas (Partnership, Friendship, Romance, Marriage, Business)


PART 7: Archetype "Five"

  1. General Characteristics of the Number 5
  2. Mythology of the Number 5
  3. Soul Number 5: Key Personality Traits and Behavioral Patterns
  4. Strengths and Weaknesses
  5. Professions
  6. Recommendations
  7. Key to Communication
  8. Karmic Tasks
  9. Relationships of Archetype 5 with Other Archetypes in Key Life Areas (Partnership, Friendship, Romance, Marriage, Business)


PART 8: Archetype "Six"

  1. General Characteristics of the Number 6
  2. Mythology of the Number 6
  3. Soul Number 6: Key Personality Traits and Behavioral Patterns
  4. Strengths and Weaknesses
  5. Professions
  6. Recommendations
  7. Key to Communication
  8. Karmic Tasks
  9. Relationships of Archetype 6 with Other Archetypes in Key Life Areas (Partnership, Friendship, Romance, Marriage, Business)


PART 9: Archetype "Seven"

  1. General Characteristics of the Number 7
  2. Mythology of the Number 7
  3. Soul Number 7: Key Personality Traits and Behavioral Patterns
  4. Strengths and Weaknesses
  5. Professions
  6. Recommendations
  7. Key to Communication
  8. Karmic Tasks
  9. Relationships of Archetype 7 with Other Archetypes in Key Life Areas (Partnership, Friendship, Romance, Marriage, Business)


PART 10: Archetype "Eight"

  1. General Characteristics of the Number 8
  2. Mythology of the Number 8
  3. Soul Number 8: Key Personality Traits and Behavioral Patterns
  4. Strengths and Weaknesses
  5. Professions
  6. Recommendations
  7. Key to Communication
  8. Karmic Tasks
  9. Relationships of Archetype 8 with Other Archetypes in Key Life Areas (Partnership, Friendship, Romance, Marriage, Business)


PART 11: Archetype "Nine"

  1. General Characteristics of the Number 9
  2. Mythology of the Number 9
  3. Soul Number 9: Key Personality Traits and Behavioral Patterns
  4. Strengths and Weaknesses
  5. Professions
  6. Recommendations
  7. Key to Communication
  8. Karmic Tasks
  9. Relationships of Archetype 9 with Other Archetypes in Key Life Areas (Partnership, Friendship, Romance, Marriage, Business)


PART 12: Action Numbers from 1 to 9


PART 13: Life Path/Karma Numbers

  1. Life Path/Karma Numbers from 1 to 9
  2. The Relationship Between the Soul Number and Life Path Number (Harmonious, Tense, Path Characteristics)


PART 14: The Nine-Year Life Cycle - Predictive Numerology


PART 15: Fundamentals of Successful Consulting




Hi, my name is Sasha Shine Bright and I turn astrology and numerology into practical solutions.

This is exactly what you're about to experience during NUMEROLOGY training.


- studying astrology and numerology since 2018

- actively practicing and consulting since 2019

- certified yoga teacher, certified reiki master teacher

- certified Vedic psychologist

- author of healing active meditation practices



MODULE 1 - START DATE: October 13


This module includes:


🔵 Pre-Recorded Lessons: 2 sessions per week, each ~1 hour long
🔵 Duration: 6 Weeks 
🔵 Group Chat Support: Interact with peers and get your questions answered
🔵 Live Webinar: Join me at the end of the module for a detailed Q&A session


Flexible Payment Options:


🔵 Pay Per Module: US$ 299 - Convenient and manageable
🔵 Full Course Discount: US$ 888 - Save significantly by paying for the entire program


Got questions?

Drop me a note, and I’ll get back to you!