On August 24th, Durov was detained at a French airport when his private jet landed for refueling.
This is how karma works in mysterious ways. The billionaire has long known that various intelligence agencies were after him and that even the slightest mistake could have serious consequences. That's why he carefully avoided visiting certain countries. But you can't outrun fate.
The issue lies with the app he created, Telegram, which is the most secure messaging app in the world. Pavel wanted to give people freedom from surveillance, and he succeeded. However, criminals have also taken advantage of this freedom.
He is now facing charges of aiding and abetting criminal activities organized through his platform, which is, of course, an interesting topic in itself.
Take, for example, a knife. It’s a tool. In the hands of a surgeon, it saves lives; in the hands of a criminal, it takes them. Yet, a knife is present in every home, and anyone can buy one. How it’s used is a matter of conscience and personal principles. Punishment is given for actions, not for owning the tool. After all, those who sell knives aren't prosecuted as accomplices.
Nevertheless, Durov’s unconventional and innovative vision greatly frustrates intelligence agencies. They can’t access the information they want, and the creator refuses to make any deals, firmly standing by his principles.
So, are you ready to take a look at the genius's chart?